I have several clients who bought this software and love it. I wanted to share this with everyone else. I am not getting paid to write this, this just seems like a great value and easy to use.
A major problem that many companies have is keeping things up to date. This is critical because of the security vulnerabilities old software represent. ManageEngine Desktop Central makes this easy for both Windows and Mac computers. It can easily update applications like WSUS server, but even better it keeps track of what is updated and can do so much more.
For example it can connect to workstations so you don’t have to buy a third-party product like Bomgar to connect to your clients. That is a savings of at least $8000 right there. It can deploy software without having to deal with Group Policy, or a complicated setup. It has programs already listed like Skype, you just click on it and it will install. If your program isn’t listed you request for it to be listed and they will add it! So you don’t need someone who has packaging experience or spend time looking for arcane command line switches.
It keeps track of inventory of hardware and software, and even manages your mobile devices like an iPhone! That is pretty cool isn’t it?
Of course some people choose to have a more focused product for managing mobile devices like MobileIron or Airwatch are the two most well-regarded. Still if you are a small company, this is probably enough of what you need to secure you mobile devices. Many companies who get those more focused MDM software tend to have hundreds or thousands of mobile devices so it makes sense they would want more control.
You can read more details from this webpage Review of ManageEngine Desktop Control.
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